Education is a process for producing output that leads to the development of Human Resources (HR) of high quality. So that people can live maintaining its presence in the growing community. Conditions pluralistic society becomes a challenge for education in the entire accommodate these differences. In this thesis will explore the idea of multicultural education by HAR Tilaar, then viewed from the perspective of Islamic teachings. This thesis is intended to explore the main points of HAR Tilaar thinking about multicultural education. Associated in Islamic doctrine is actually no difference between ethnic, racial, and so on. This study formulates the subject matter, namely; (1). How multicultural education in the view of HAR Tilaar ?, (2). How multicultural education in Islamic perspective ?.
In writing this essay, the author uses descriptive-analytic approach, so that the results are not in the form of numbers, but in the form of interpretation and words. Being data collection was done by using library research (literature review) by making books by HAR Tilaar as the primary data, and literature related to the object of this study as a secondary data. Then the data were analyzed by using content analysis that is by way of sorting the collected data to be analyzed in accordance with the required contents so it can be concluded.
Some basic ideas which can writer formulated after studying the problems are: (1). Social unrest arising in society are the implications of attitude panatisme one group against another group, or a lack of appreciation of all cultural differences (culture) are nearby. Proposed the idea of multicultural education HAR Tilaar This is in order to answer all the problems that often occur in the body of society. H.A.R. Tilaar see the opportunity of an education system, due to the multicultural education, national education is deemed able to introduce the values of cultural diversity. (2). H.A.R. Tilaar view that in multicultural education programs, the focus is no longer directed solely at racial group, religion, and culture of the dominant or mainstream course, which focuses on the increased understanding and tolerance of individuals who come from minority groups against mainstream culture that ultimately minorities integrated. According to him, multicultural education is actually a caring attitude and want to understand (difference), or political recognition of minority groups (Politics of recognition). (3). In fact Islam does not discriminate against ethnic, racial, and others in education. Humans are actually the same, but the difference is ketaqwaannya to God. Multicultural education in Islam the same opportunity to all students to compete in doing good for the sake of high achievement (iman and taqwa). (4). The fundamental difference between multicultural education HAR Tilaar with the teachings of Islam are located on the theological foundation (religion / faith)